Lakes District Museum

Post Office - Post Office Market Day

Arrowtown Post Office Fundraising Market

27th December 2018

10:am - 4:00pm

Thank you to everyone who made the 2018 market day a success once again.


Each year, shortly after Christmas Day, the Post Office Market Day is held on the Library Green to raise funds for the ongoing maintenance of this iconic heritage building.

The market day is a true treasure trove. The variety of stall holders expands each year – stall space is in high demand – ensuring there is always something to interest each member of the family.

For more information email us at

or download an application and information form:  PO-Market-application-form_2018.pdf

If you are interested in discovering a hidden treasure, having an enjoyable day out with your family, and supporting a good cause – we look forward to seeing you this year on the Library Green, Arrowtown!